VeraCrypt and TrueCrypt continue to be two of the most complex types of encryption to bypass. Both tools provide an option to use keyfiles for encrypting volumes. The content of the keyfile (or multiple keyfiles) is combined with the password, and the volume can be decrypted by using both protectors only, making it even more challenging to acquire the data.
Passware Kit Forensic 2020 v3 is the first commercial software that supports TrueCrypt and VeraCrypt containers protected with keyfiles, thus providing access to encrypted evidence that was previously unavailable for forensic examiners.
New in Passware Kit 2020 v3:
- Support for TrueCrypt/VeraCrypt containers protected with keyfiles;
- Password recovery for additional crypto wallets;
- Instant decryption of Bitlocker disks with a known Recovery Key;
- Instant recovery of website passwords from Opera, Chrome, and Edge browsers;
- Instant recovery of Outlook 2016/2019 email passwords;
- Decryptum performance improvements for TrueCrypt and Zip;
- Automatic updates of Passware Kit Agents for Linux;
- Batch mode improvements.
What’s New

Support for TrueCrypt/VeraCrypt containers protected with keyfiles
Passware Kit Forensic recovers passwords for TrueCrypt and VeraCrypt containers and volumes protected by using keyfiles. At the password recovery setup, Passware Kit allows a user to specify one or more keyfiles to check in combination with the passwords.
As a result, Passware Kit displays the recovered password, which can be used to mount the volume using the specified keyfiles. Besides the password, the software also displays the TrueCrypt encryption and hash algorithms used to protect the volume.

Password recovery for additional crypto wallets
In addition to Bitcoin wallets as announced previously, Passware Kit recovers passwords for Dash Core, Dogecoin, and Litecoin crypto wallets. Password recovery can be accelerated with GPU and distributed computing.

Instant recovery of website passwords from the latest Opera, Chrome, and Edge browsers
Passware Kit now instantly recovers passwords for websites and forms stored in the latest Chromium-based browsers: Opera, Google Chrome, and Microsoft Edge.

Instant recovery of Outlook 2016/2019 email passwords
Passware Kit instantly recovers passwords for MS Outlook 2016 and 2019 versions, both for data files (PST) and email accounts.

Instant decryption of Bitlocker disks with a known Recovery Key
In case a BitLocker Recovery Key is known, a user can now apply it to decrypt the volume instantly. The software then saves the decrypted image.

Decryptum performance improvements for TrueCrypt and Zip
Decryptum DPR 2080TI-S/12 4U now recovers passwords for TrueCrypt system partitions up to 95% faster, reaching the speed of over 15,680,000 passwords per second.
Password recovery for Zip AES is now 25% faster.

Automatic updates of Passware Kit Agents for Linux
Passware Kit checks the versions of Passware Agents installed on the local network and updates them if necessary.
The new version of Passware Kit supports automatic updates of Passware Kit Agents for Linux.

Batch mode improvements
Passware Kit Forensic now allows users to apply different password recovery settings to the same file by including the file in multiple batch recovery groups.
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